fredag 20 mars 2015

För er som missat! Cezaro - Introduktionen! Nu ären uppe igen!

tisdag 1 juli 2014

söndag 23 mars 2014

Cezaro feat.Rizzla - Inget Mer Att Bevisa

New tunes from the PHC collective.
Cezaro and Rizzla has made made a song named Inget Mer Att Bevisa ( nothing more to prove ).
So check it out!

New music from PHC!

Now theres new music out on SoundCloud!.
Once again, the PHC collective created magic!
This time, they got Nabil on the track.
Listen, share and enjoy.

söndag 8 december 2013

Now it's time to start writing here again, otherwise people probably forget about this place on the internet.
I have not had the time, desire or reason to write on this site in a while. 

My life has mostly moved on as usual. make music, give people hope and keep the family on its feet.J

I am happy to announce that from now on is a member of the Real Deal Family.
A nice bunch of people that work to be seen and show their kreativiitet.
We have brekdancers, skaters, mc's, graffers and Producers.
So keep your eyes and ears open for what will come.

I will forever be phc.
That's where I was born as the man I am today.
Creativity has always been in phc, and will always be there.
I have love for my brothers still stand by my side after all these years.
You know who you are and Rizzla is always at your side as well.
Roll it up like you a baker...
I hope everyone knows where you'll find me ...

torsdag 15 augusti 2013

I had fun.

I remember when I lived in my apartment in P. H.
Previously I had made beats entirely without purpose, just for fun.
Suddenly my apartment was bombed by talented people who were eager to get their rap on my beats!
And right there in that moment...the new p.h.c began.
After that, I felt like I had a reason....
A reason to continue fine-adjust my methods and get better at the art of beats.
For now, I no longer just made it for my own sake.
I had an obligation, I was important to someone.
People were waiting to hear my newest beat!
I just want to thank my brothers! I sat yesterday and listened to our  
tape from 2007, and could not stop smiling.  
"p.h.c i blodet, phc på skinnet, phc i sinnet för alltid" 


tisdag 13 augusti 2013

Have begun planning and chasing of artists for the new album.
Two songs are already in the works!
I want to create something classic and be able to give the younger generation what so many other artists have given me during my childhood. My music is not about making money or surfing on someone else's wave.  
I am my own empire! and my brothers and sisters are with me all the way!
BBBB! PHC! PolarBake! RizzlBeats! VästkustStudio! 

And here you can listen to P.E's new album! all free!

check this shit out. My brother P.E has just released her new album.
Here you can listen to what people think about it!